Project Wish List

Here are some things we'd love to do and are waiting for sponsors...... hint, hint

Bike Lending - Many people want to first try out cycling to work, for a few weeks before actually buying a bike. We want to lend bikes to to try it out. Also we'd give some basic workshops on taking care of bikes and offer ongoing free advice.

Green Spaces Mapping - There are so many hidden treasures of beautiful green spaces that most people don't know about and just go past every day. We'd like to map these out with useful details and pictures.

Street Mapping - A barrier facing people walking or cycling are the atrocious states of some pavements and roads. Some pavements are so poorly that going over them regularly hurts your feet and damages buggies (and perhaps occupants) as well as being difficult for those who have reduced mobility or use wheelchairs.

Some road have dangerous potholes or massive puddles after a rainfall. These can be dangerous for cyclists who often don't have much warning. After a bad encounter, people are put off from healthy commuting. For example being drenched by a massive puddle that goes right across a main road and turning up to work sopping wet and having to stay like that until getting home.

We want to map these out to warn commuters of bad routes and so that they can plan better routes. We'd rate roads and sections of large roads.

This may also be helpful to some civil servant somewhere who can conjure up the money and competence to fix these things.